Hillary: The Girl Cant Take It
(too old to reply)
Joe Cooper
2017-05-07 15:26:20 UTC
The Hillary Clinton whinefest continues. I had hoped that like the
falling out of favor Kardashians and Caitlyn (aka Bruce) Jenner, she’d
just start fading out of an audience, but she feels compelled to keep
complaining about all those who cost her the election. This week she
blamed James Comey and “Russian” hackers for her loss.

There are two parts to the Russian collusion claim by the Hillaryites.
They contend, first, that there was some still unspecified evidence to
support a Russian preference for Trump. Then they claim that it was
Russians who hacked her email accounts. This week both of those claims
proved to be without substance.

In Congressional testimony, the only basis for the first assumption was
the purely factually unsupported, speculative belief by FBI director
Comey that Russia preferred Trump. The only basis for the second was that
the FBI was examining contacts between Trump and the Russians -- a
suggestion Comey swatted off. Paul Sperry writes in the New York Post:

It turns out the FBI probe doesn’t even focus on Trump or his key
campaign aides. It centers almost exclusively on a former Merrill Lynch
executive who was based in Moscow a decade ago.

His name is Carter Page, and he never formally worked for the Trump
campaign. In fact, he first showed up on the FBI’s radar three years
before Trump announced his candidacy.

Page is the main investigative target and apparently the only one
remotely tied to the Trump campaign to have his communications targeted
with a FISA warrant. To obtain that surveillance warrant, the FBI relied
on a discredited dossier, which will make it hard to prosecute Page.

The opposition research firm behind the dossier, which alleges nefarious
collusion between Trump and Putin, is Fusion GPS, which conducts
“political disinformation campaigns” -- sometimes for Moscow. “The
relationship casts further doubt on an already highly dubious dossier,”
Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley wrote the Justice Department in
a recent letter.

Adding to suspicions, the author of the dodgy dossier may have been on
the FBI’s payroll, according to Grassley. The GOP senator asked Comey
about “payments” the bureau made to researcher Christopher Steele, and
Comey dodged the question without denying payments.

So nine months in, this is where the FBI’s investigation stands: No
evidence of collaboration between the Trump campaign and Moscow,
something even Obama’s intelligence czar verified. No charges against any
Trump aides for espionage. And one case against a single, tangentially
connected suspect built on tenuous evidence at best.

[/NY Post]

It’s hard, in any event, to comprehend how Comey could have been clueless
enough to give an ounce of credence to the “Christopher Steele (Hillary’s
GPS-commissioned) “Dossier” -- so clueless that he included it in his
“final intelligence community report on Russian election meddling.

Comey couldn’t say whether GPS is, in fact, part of the Russian
intelligence operation, but there is some evidence it is.


Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary
Committee who also sits on the intelligence committee, told CNN on
Wednesday that she does not “at this time” have evidence of collusion
between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign.

Fusion GPS is now the subject of a formal complaint at the Justice
Department, facing allegations the company violated the Foreign Agents
Registration Act, as is the company’s founder former Wall Street Journal
reporter Glenn Simpson.


Let's repeat this more simply: the FBI Russian-meddling investigation and
the FISA warrant used to electronically surveil Trump and his associates
during the campaign appears to have been based on entirely on a dossier
written by a man hired by Hillary through GPS which is itself being
charged with being an unregistered agent for Russia. But there is more:
The author of the dossier himself says it is an unreliable account.


During the heated hearing, Grassley also chided the FBI for giving him
“materially inconsistent” information and specifically referenced Steele,
noting “The man who wrote the dossier admitted in court that it has
unverified claims. Does that sound like a reliable basis for law
enforcement or intelligence actions?”

Fox News also spoke to Steele’s solicitor Nicola Cain in London, who had
no comment citing ongoing litigation.

A British court document, first reported by The Guardian and signed by
Steele, offers a glimpse into his company’s work for Fusion GPS. The
document describes "unsolicited intelligence" and "raw intelligence" that
“needed to be [sic] analysed and further investigated/verified.”


At the least -- even giving credence to GPS’ defense that it never
lobbied for Russia -- GPS concedes it provided supporting material for
the law firm that lobbied to lift the U.S. sanctions on Russia. In sum,
GPS has closer ties to Russia than Trump ever had.

Hillary Clinton engaged GPS to dig up dirt on Trump. Then his unnamed
Republican opponents followed on. It's unclear whether the FBI picked up
the tab when they dropped GPS' services.

Grassley stressed his concerns that “the FBI has relied on
the document to justify [Comey's] current investigation. There
have been reports that the FBI agreed to pay the author of the
dossier, who paid his sources, who also paid their sub sources.
Where did the money come from and what motivated the people
writing the checks?”

Keep reading - it gets better: http://bit.ly/2padCy7
"Lance Armstrong could have entered the women’s cycling tour as Leslie
Armstrong, taken all the drugs he wanted and still been a champion."
(Michael R. Shannon)
2017-05-07 17:05:40 UTC
Post by Joe Cooper
The Hillary Clinton whinefest continues. I had hoped that like the
falling out of favor Kardashians and Caitlyn (aka Bruce) Jenner, she’d
just start fading out of an audience, but she feels compelled to keep
complaining about all those who cost her the election. This week she
blamed James Comey and “Russian” hackers for her loss.
As with the Kardashians and Caitlyn Jenner, Hillary will do just about
anything to try to remain relevant.

That's how they make money, they sell their reality to the whining
Democrats without any reality of their own.
That's Karma