Pour Hillary Back into the Chardonnay Bottle
(too old to reply)
Joe Cooper
2017-05-30 14:12:15 UTC
Case you missed it, last Friday, after a prolonged post-election
Sabbatical, Hillary Rodham Clinton emerged to give a commencement speech
at her alma mater Wellesley College, located west of Boston – [the]
birthplace of Clinton’s socialist / communist ideals. Back 48 years after
her radical rendezvous with community organizer and renown U.S. hater
Saul Alinsky, we got to see this loser disguised in a cap and gown,
giving a s hate-simmered fiery address alluding to the controversies
swirling around Donald Trump’s imperiled presidency, comparing it to
Richard Nixon’s demise.

Some of Clinton’s ill-advised remarks in the commencement speech,
referred to Nixon’s failed presidency back in the day. “We were furious
about the past presidential election of a man [Nixon] whose presidency
would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of
justice, after firing the person running the investigation into him at
the Department of Justice,” said Clinton, referring back to the sentiment
on campus the year that she graduated.

I have despised Hillary Clinton all my life

Clinton’s loaded tirade obviously suggested a parallel to Trump’s
besieged presidency confronting a barrage of accusations of collusions
with the Russians. Her remarks referring to Nixon’s firing of an
investigator was a clear punch thrown at Trump on his decision to oust
former FBI Director James Comey – suggesting Trump’s decision to fire the
shady Director was as a means of ending a probe of the latter into
Trump’s ex-national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

Got to tell you folks, I have despised Hillary Clinton all my life. I
truly think the woman is a psychopathic liar, a fraud, truly a
classless, maniacal misfit. Notwithstanding Ruth Benedict’s alleged
faults inherent in our intransigent outlook of others as claimed in her
famed 1934 anthropological dissertation ‘Patterns of Culture’, after
listening to Clinton’s Wellesley speech, I cannot abstain myself from
pigeon-holing this woman and her darling husband Bill as nothing less
than Carpetbaggers, 101. I apologize for resorting to such a nasty slur.
However, the description of the term, to wit, “…a term adopted for people
living on the fringes of the social order, who are dangerous because they
may be criminal, unpredictable, and without respect for authority whether
it be political, legal or moral”, kind of befits with unmatched
preciseness the nature and character of these two outrageous outlaws.

For this psychotic sociopath to dare talk about “disgrace” and
“impeachment”, can only be thought off as some sort of inexplicable
neurotic dysfunctionality. As we all know, Hillary and husband Bill’s
lives have been riddled with all kinds of lies, controversies, or
otherwise embroilments, which would have these two make it to the FBI’s
top 10 “Most Wanted” criminals, had political “Teflon” not been in
existence – the brand [as opposed to the material] which came to be
associated with politicians who managed to achieve a state of grace in
which little that is negative appears to stick.

Seriously friends, when I saw this congenital liar promoting Donald
Trump’s impeachment, I was incensed to realize that this went beyond the
sore-loser syndrome, one to be expected, instead, it kind of brought back
memories of all that has been wrong with our nation, ever since a
profusely misled electorate gave access to America’s political arena, to
these carpetbaggers allowing them to get away with murder – and I say
that in the literal context of the word, as, in fact, there were times,
during the political career of these two when “death” loomed in the air,
such as was the enigmatic suicide of Vince Foster – whose passing, to
this day, is still thought off as a conspiracy relative to his role and
participation with the Clintons in the Whitewater scandal – a legendary
real estate deal gone bad back in the 1990s, where both Hillary and Bill
used political clout to coerce an employee in a savings and loans
institution into making an illegal loan.

Ditto for the deaths of four noble Americans in the attack to our embassy
in Benghazi, Libya, while many, including yours truly believed, then
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was the ultimate culprit for the
Libyan demise – one she could have easily prevented, yet chose to allow
our heroes to be murdered by a mob of bloodthirsty terrorists. All the
while she went on to lie about the purported attack, blaming it some sort
of anti-Islamic video - a well-planned cover-up in the disdainful role
she played in the death of the fallen four. Outright repulsive if you ask

Again folks, Clinton’s use of the word “disgrace” to characterize Donald
Trump’s administration is nothing less than an aberration. Dear Mrs.
Clinton, I will tell you what ‘disgrace’ is all about. Disgrace Mrs.
Clinton, is lying your way through life such as when you told the world
you had been endangered by sniper fire while landing in Bosnia back in
1996, when in fact you were cordially greeted by an eight-year-old child
and Bosnia’s acting President.

Clinton Foundation and email Scandals

Disgrace Hillary is your email scandal which jeopardized the nation’s
national security with your uncaring use of a private server while
allegedly sharing classified official communications of the State
Department with unauthorized personnel. Disgrace Hillary is to have your
husband, the president of the mightiest nation in the planet,
“impeached”, not forced out of office for treason as Richard Nixon, but,
of all things, for lewd and lascivious behavior with a twenty-two-year-
old White House intern – all the while as you played the role of
‘supportive’ wife, for the sake of political expediency in your unending
desire to climb the political ladder leading to your failed attempt of
becoming president yourself.

Disgrace Hillary, is your ignominious Clinton Foundation – your so-called
philanthropic organization – an alleged self-serving Ponzi scheme
designed to shield your quid-pro-quo favors in exchange for foreign
contributions from enemy-states majestically divested to your own
personal gains, not to mention, yours and your husband Bill’s filthy role
in the aftermath of the January 10th, 2010 earthquake that devastated the
country of Haiti. Disgrace Ms. Clinton is how you and Bill played the
quixotic chivalric role of ‘saviors’ to Haiti - one of the most
impoverished nations in the world and allegedly thoughtlessly managed to
divest the monies that flowed in for the earthquake relief to your
personal vaults through HIRC - ‘Haiti Interim Reconstruction Commission’
–a body created to manage the disbursement of international aid to Haiti,
where your husband Bill Clinton acted as United Nation’s Special Envoy,
co-leading the organization along with Haitian Prime Minister Jean Max
Bellerive, all the while as your brother Tony Rodham sat on the board of
directors of U.S. based VCS company, awarded sizable concessions for gold
mining operations in Haiti, despite the fact that the company lacked the
expertise for such an undertaking.

In fact, Mrs. Clinton, ‘disgrace’ should be your middle-name as well as
that of your husband. You are both, each in your own right a disgrace and
shame to our nation. It is no wonder that you referred to Saul Alinsky’s
personality as appealing. And, it is no wonder that David Brock in his
1996 biography, ‘The Seduction of Hillary Rodham’ calls you “Alinsky’s
daughter” – an apt label given the fact that at the end of your Wellesley
College thesis you proudly and unabashedly include correspondence
received from Alinsky, while following the latter’s organization,
Industrial Areas Foundation – a training institute for communist

May I politely remind you, Mrs. Clinton that you recently lost your bid
for the presidency of this great nation. You lost in a landslide defeat
to the same man who you now are so feverishly trying to bring down to the
same gutter and filth that you and your husband have been used to all
your lives. Shame on you, madam! Shame on you for spurring your hatred
and frustration, on minds that are just starting their lives, without the
same hatred and frustration now prevalent in your doomsday party of left-
wing liberal communists – all like you and Barack Obama who Freudianly
yearn to change the foundation of our Republic for Alinsky’s Industrial
Areas Foundation – a lost cause, I must add, as Americans dared stopping
you cold in your tracks back on November 8th, 2016, when we all said “No”
to your wishful hopes of continuing Barack Obama’s pledge of
“fundamentally transforming” our nation.

Finally, Mrs. Clinton, in the same Wellesley College commencement speech
given last Friday, you alluded to the fact that during your political
sabbatical, you gave yourself to cleaning your closets, notably though
your political closet can never be cleansed of all the skeletons that
have always polluted it. Finally, in your commencement speech you
reflected on your 2016 election loss telling the audience that long walks
in the woods and Chardonnay wine had helped you cope with your
presidential loss. I say, if coming out of your ‘down’ arises in the form
of attacks to your opponent and wishful thoughts for the latter’s
impeachment, I would unwaveringly urge you to go back to your long walks
in the woods and maybe think about just staying there – in the woods. The
American people, Mrs. Clinton, will gratefully and gracefully provide you
with all the Chardonnay you can drink so that you can, once and for all,
drown your sorrows, while the rest of us, will toast with the same
Chardonnay to your being out of our lives for good. God bless America

Source: http://bit.ly/2rAxFGK
"The only people who can't recognize that our nation has a 'smug
liberal' problem are smug liberals." (David French)
2017-05-30 14:52:59 UTC
Post by Joe Cooper
Case you missed it, last Friday, after a prolonged post-election
Sabbatical, Hillary Rodham Clinton emerged to give a commencement speech
at her alma mater Wellesley College, located west of Boston – [the]
birthplace of Clinton’s socialist / communist ideals. Back 48 years after
her radical rendezvous with community organizer and renown U.S. hater
Saul Alinsky, we got to see this loser disguised in a cap and gown,
giving a s hate-simmered fiery address alluding to the controversies
swirling around Donald Trump’s imperiled presidency, comparing it to
Richard Nixon’s demise.
Some of Clinton’s ill-advised remarks in the commencement speech,
referred to Nixon’s failed presidency back in the day. “We were furious
about the past presidential election of a man [Nixon] whose presidency
would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of
justice, after firing the person running the investigation into him at
the Department of Justice,” said Clinton, referring back to the sentiment
on campus the year that she graduated.
I have despised Hillary Clinton all my life
Clinton’s loaded tirade obviously suggested a parallel to Trump’s
besieged presidency confronting a barrage of accusations of collusions
with the Russians. Her remarks referring to Nixon’s firing of an
investigator was a clear punch thrown at Trump on his decision to oust
former FBI Director James Comey – suggesting Trump’s decision to fire the
shady Director was as a means of ending a probe of the latter into
Trump’s ex-national security adviser, Michael Flynn.
Got to tell you folks, I have despised Hillary Clinton all my life. I
truly think the woman is a psychopathic liar, a fraud, truly a
classless, maniacal misfit. Notwithstanding Ruth Benedict’s alleged
faults inherent in our intransigent outlook of others as claimed in her
famed 1934 anthropological dissertation ‘Patterns of Culture’, after
listening to Clinton’s Wellesley speech, I cannot abstain myself from
pigeon-holing this woman and her darling husband Bill as nothing less
than Carpetbaggers, 101. I apologize for resorting to such a nasty slur.
However, the description of the term, to wit, “…a term adopted for people
living on the fringes of the social order, who are dangerous because they
may be criminal, unpredictable, and without respect for authority whether
it be political, legal or moral”, kind of befits with unmatched
preciseness the nature and character of these two outrageous outlaws.
For this psychotic sociopath to dare talk about “disgrace” and
“impeachment”, can only be thought off as some sort of inexplicable
neurotic dysfunctionality. As we all know, Hillary and husband Bill’s
lives have been riddled with all kinds of lies, controversies, or
otherwise embroilments, which would have these two make it to the FBI’s
top 10 “Most Wanted” criminals, had political “Teflon” not been in
existence – the brand [as opposed to the material] which came to be
associated with politicians who managed to achieve a state of grace in
which little that is negative appears to stick.
Seriously friends, when I saw this congenital liar promoting Donald
Trump’s impeachment, I was incensed to realize that this went beyond the
sore-loser syndrome, one to be expected, instead, it kind of brought back
memories of all that has been wrong with our nation, ever since a
profusely misled electorate gave access to America’s political arena, to
these carpetbaggers allowing them to get away with murder – and I say
that in the literal context of the word, as, in fact, there were times,
during the political career of these two when “death” loomed in the air,
such as was the enigmatic suicide of Vince Foster – whose passing, to
this day, is still thought off as a conspiracy relative to his role and
participation with the Clintons in the Whitewater scandal – a legendary
real estate deal gone bad back in the 1990s, where both Hillary and Bill
used political clout to coerce an employee in a savings and loans
institution into making an illegal loan.
Ditto for the deaths of four noble Americans in the attack to our embassy
in Benghazi, Libya, while many, including yours truly believed, then
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was the ultimate culprit for the
Libyan demise – one she could have easily prevented, yet chose to allow
our heroes to be murdered by a mob of bloodthirsty terrorists. All the
while she went on to lie about the purported attack, blaming it some sort
of anti-Islamic video - a well-planned cover-up in the disdainful role
she played in the death of the fallen four. Outright repulsive if you ask
Again folks, Clinton’s use of the word “disgrace” to characterize Donald
Trump’s administration is nothing less than an aberration. Dear Mrs.
Clinton, I will tell you what ‘disgrace’ is all about. Disgrace Mrs.
Clinton, is lying your way through life such as when you told the world
you had been endangered by sniper fire while landing in Bosnia back in
1996, when in fact you were cordially greeted by an eight-year-old child
and Bosnia’s acting President.
Clinton Foundation and email Scandals
Disgrace Hillary is your email scandal which jeopardized the nation’s
national security with your uncaring use of a private server while
allegedly sharing classified official communications of the State
Department with unauthorized personnel. Disgrace Hillary is to have your
husband, the president of the mightiest nation in the planet,
“impeached”, not forced out of office for treason as Richard Nixon, but,
of all things, for lewd and lascivious behavior with a twenty-two-year-
old White House intern – all the while as you played the role of
‘supportive’ wife, for the sake of political expediency in your unending
desire to climb the political ladder leading to your failed attempt of
becoming president yourself.
Disgrace Hillary, is your ignominious Clinton Foundation – your so-called
philanthropic organization – an alleged self-serving Ponzi scheme
designed to shield your quid-pro-quo favors in exchange for foreign
contributions from enemy-states majestically divested to your own
personal gains, not to mention, yours and your husband Bill’s filthy role
in the aftermath of the January 10th, 2010 earthquake that devastated the
country of Haiti. Disgrace Ms. Clinton is how you and Bill played the
quixotic chivalric role of ‘saviors’ to Haiti - one of the most
impoverished nations in the world and allegedly thoughtlessly managed to
divest the monies that flowed in for the earthquake relief to your
personal vaults through HIRC - ‘Haiti Interim Reconstruction Commission’
–a body created to manage the disbursement of international aid to Haiti,
where your husband Bill Clinton acted as United Nation’s Special Envoy,
co-leading the organization along with Haitian Prime Minister Jean Max
Bellerive, all the while as your brother Tony Rodham sat on the board of
directors of U.S. based VCS company, awarded sizable concessions for gold
mining operations in Haiti, despite the fact that the company lacked the
expertise for such an undertaking.
In fact, Mrs. Clinton, ‘disgrace’ should be your middle-name as well as
that of your husband. You are both, each in your own right a disgrace and
shame to our nation. It is no wonder that you referred to Saul Alinsky’s
personality as appealing. And, it is no wonder that David Brock in his
1996 biography, ‘The Seduction of Hillary Rodham’ calls you “Alinsky’s
daughter” – an apt label given the fact that at the end of your Wellesley
College thesis you proudly and unabashedly include correspondence
received from Alinsky, while following the latter’s organization,
Industrial Areas Foundation – a training institute for communist
May I politely remind you, Mrs. Clinton that you recently lost your bid
for the presidency of this great nation. You lost in a landslide defeat
to the same man who you now are so feverishly trying to bring down to the
same gutter and filth that you and your husband have been used to all
your lives. Shame on you, madam! Shame on you for spurring your hatred
and frustration, on minds that are just starting their lives, without the
same hatred and frustration now prevalent in your doomsday party of left-
wing liberal communists – all like you and Barack Obama who Freudianly
yearn to change the foundation of our Republic for Alinsky’s Industrial
Areas Foundation – a lost cause, I must add, as Americans dared stopping
you cold in your tracks back on November 8th, 2016, when we all said “No”
to your wishful hopes of continuing Barack Obama’s pledge of
“fundamentally transforming” our nation.
Finally, Mrs. Clinton, in the same Wellesley College commencement speech
given last Friday, you alluded to the fact that during your political
sabbatical, you gave yourself to cleaning your closets, notably though
your political closet can never be cleansed of all the skeletons that
have always polluted it. Finally, in your commencement speech you
reflected on your 2016 election loss telling the audience that long walks
in the woods and Chardonnay wine had helped you cope with your
presidential loss. I say, if coming out of your ‘down’ arises in the form
of attacks to your opponent and wishful thoughts for the latter’s
impeachment, I would unwaveringly urge you to go back to your long walks
in the woods and maybe think about just staying there – in the woods. The
American people, Mrs. Clinton, will gratefully and gracefully provide you
with all the Chardonnay you can drink so that you can, once and for all,
drown your sorrows, while the rest of us, will toast with the same
Chardonnay to your being out of our lives for good. God bless America
Source: http://bit.ly/2rAxFGK
The fact Hillary was never the actual President is almost enough to get
me to believe America isn't dying yet.

Hillary is obviously broken and all the Nation's Psychiatrists couldn't
put her back together again. The Left has managed to have a group of
America hating, Sociopath liars into the top of the Democrat party.

There is no hope for fixing the democrat party or Hillary. But there's
a chance to fix the United States and Hillary in prison where she
belongs would be a start.
That's Karma